Monday, February 4, 2008

The purpose & the division of the Zodiac free online vedic astro learning

The Uses & the division/methods of the Zodiac
The ancient Hindu way of life specially from VEDAS, based on the Karma theory more described in Bhagwad GEETA, looked at the progress of the human souland will powers based on three essential macroscopic parameters. They are: The Karma acquired from your past life, the karma you acquire by virtue of your actions in your present life and based on these your future life. They classified our present life into four broad aspects. Dharma or right living, Artha or the monetary aspect, Kama or the desires and finally Moksha or spiritual progress and liberation. They recognized the importance of balancing these four aspects of life for the proper progress. To understand and improve all these four aspects they gave us various Shastras. The Veda shastras for spiritual progress, the Dharma and Nyaya shastras for the legal and social conduct, the Artha ( finance), Ganita (mathematics), Vanijya (trade) shastras for earning money, Sangeeta (music) Nritya (dance) Shilpa (art) Kama (sex) Paka (cooking) shastras for pleasure. Finally the Jyotishya ( Jyoti=light+ Isha=God meaning the light of God to remove ignorance) was given to us as a guide, to get the best results during the most suitable times, in each of the above four areas of life. The entire basis and theology of our astrology is based on these principles.

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