Monday, June 2, 2008

Manglik dosha and its remedies

What is manglik dosha -When Mars (mangal) is placed in these houses 1-4-7-8 and 12 house then it is caled MANGLIK dosha or Kuja dosha .
About Mars -Mars represen blood and battel it belongs to the caste of warriors [Kshatriya].Therefor its considered fighting and battel in married life which destroy ones married life and happiness . Mars is planet of over sex and big desires for sex .
It has to be remembered that it is not only Mars that can create problem in married life, but there are a lot of other factors which can disturb marital happiness. That is why it will never be good to accuse a so called Kuja Dosha for marital disturbance. Other factors can greatly modify this Dosha both positively or negatively. While malefics join or aspect Mars, or hit the same houses hit by Mars, they surely worsen the condition. On the other hand benefics like Jupiter, Venus or Putra Adhipati / Dharma Adhipati (Lords of 5th and 9th houses) try to protect the things as per their strength. Praying to Lord Hanuman with Hanuman Chalisa and other Hanuman mantras, and prayers to Lord Kartikeya (Lord Skanda) protect the native from the evil of planet Mars. Angaraka Astottara Shata Namavali (The 108 names of Mars) can also be suggested. However, it would have to be remembered that each horoscope is unique so no remedy should be grossly suggested to all. The best is to get your chart checked by a knowledgeable Vedic Astrologer to know what remedy you would need to deal with this problem.

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